I got a special request from my dear friend, Kak Naza, to make cupcakes for her husband's birthday. After making few excuses (heh heh. since I know that its not easy to bake cuppies), I agreed finally.
So,dengan berkobar2nya, saya pergi la belaja dgn K Irma.
This is my very first cuppies!
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ZLH cuppies :) |
hehehe.. the decoration is soo simple.
nampak sgt hasil kerja first timer :D
Thank u very2 much Kak Irma for teaching me.
May ALLAH bless u! =)
Anis, hehehe..cepat gak gi blaja buat cuppies tu. Angah dulu dah la tak de belaja dgn sape2, lambat lak tu sampai seru nak mendeco dgn BC.. Well done!
Anis..anis, lagi satu kan. Angah cadangkan anis bagi link blog ni di blog lama Anis dulu tu. Post di last entry. Maybe, your old friends or anybody yg still go to your old blog, can continue visit you kat sini pulak..hehehe.. Just cadangan..
Angah: tq tq. anis mmg semangat pun belaja wat cuppies nih. wpun asalnya ber'excuse2' ngan k naza tuh. ada ke patut k naza nk oder kt anis, anis g promote 'justmuffin' kt wangsa walk. hehehe..
tp dah alang2 k naza buat special request, blaja je lah. rupanya best jgk bila nak mendeco2 nih :)
bdw, pasal blog lama. sbnrnya blog tu nak di'delete' jeh. blog tu masa uia dulu. takde sape dh menjenguk blog tuh sbb tuannya pun x jenguk2 dah :P
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