13 January 2013


Assalamualaikum dear friends :)

As I mentioned in my earlier post, my siblings were at our home last weekend.

Being an excited Mamanis (as my nephews call me), I excitedly (stress out this word-excited) baked Marble Choc Cheese Cake!! Yes, I repeat, I excitedly baked a cake!!

After spent over one hour prepared everything and waited patiently for the microwave to “tinggg”, me being excited (again, the word), I took the cake out of the oven.

Just a second, it slipped from my hand. Yes. Sekelip mata sahaja, kek tu terbaring di atas lantai T_T
Ni sahajalah yg boleh mamanis hidangkan utk al-Fateh n al-Amin..huhuhu..

 insyaAllah I'll bake it again.
Will share the recipe too. insyaALLAH :)


Marlina Mohtar said...

wah...pasti seronok jadi anak sedare Mamnis ni hehe =)

* akak lagi super duper excited kalau dapat main masak2 kat dapur hehe

:: anisjazz :: said...

Kak :)

Semangat sgt mamanis buat kek.
kua2 dari oven, terlepas lah pulak loyangnyerrr..huhuhu..
sikittt je yg terselamat dalam loyang.. ;( *buat2 nangis*
